Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cloze Procedure

The cloze procedure is an instructional strategy that can also be used as a tool to assess student comprehension.

Cloze tests are constructed as follows:

  1. Select a passage of approximately 250 words that the students havn't read before.
  2. Type the passage, leaving the first sentence intact and deleting every fifth word thereafter. Substitute blanks of uniform length in place of the deleted word. Then leave the last sentence intact.
  3. Give the students the passage and tell them to fill in the blanks. Allow the time needed.
  4. Score the test by counting as correct only the exact words that were in the original text. Determine the percentage of correct answers.

Roe, B. D. , Smith, S. H. & Burns, P. C. (2005) . Teaching Reading in Today's Elementary Schools ( 9th ed.) . New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Image taken from the same book (above) by screen shot.


  1. What exactly are you measuring with this activity? What if the student fills in the blanks with words that make sense but that are not exactly like those from the original text?

  2. in that case you can consider them right. synonyms are excepted!
